Topic 3hazardous Environmentsgeography

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Natural Hazards Across Scale. We study natural hazards because they are interesting and important, but also because we hope to reduce the damages caused by extreme natural events. Windows xp service pack 3 download. A destructive plate boundary, or convergent plate margin occurs when oceanic and continental plates move together.The oceanic plate is forced under the lighter continental plate.

Ds anytime anywheredrako stud. Show Name DS Anytime Anywhere Barn Name Amy Date Of Birth April 2012 Phenotype Blue Roan Genotype Ee/aa/nRn Discipline Cutting, Lesson Horse-She picks things up extremely easy and won't forget it.Hates getting shots and vaccinations-Doesn't really enjoy being pet.

-Measuring and recording weather data from the local area
-There are differences in weather conditions around certain sites(Latymer)
-Raingauge (measures amount of rain that has fallen over specific time)
-Windvane (determines the direction of which the wind is blowing)
-Lightmeter (sunlight)

-10sites are chosen to reflect different conditions (around the school)
-Arain gauge, thermometer, wind vane and anemometer was used and left
-Theinstruments where left over the weekend to avoid disturbance
-Customisedrecording sheets were used to tabulate the data
-Afield sketch and photographs were taken of the study area
Presentation Technique & Reliability
-Datacan be presented in a variety of graphs to be able to be easily compared

Topic 3 Hazardous Environmentsgeography


-Resultscan be affected by extreme weather

Hazardous Environments Song


-Investigatingpeople’s views on the management of a hazard event
-Doresidents believe the management of the hurricane hazard event was effective
-Questionnaire based in 5 – 10 questions, open and closed questions(do you think the measures are effective…?)

Hazardous Environments Half Life

-20questions are drafted to determines people’s views of the way in which(flooding..) in (Somerset Levels…) has been dealt with
-Apilot study was used to test the questions
-Weasked 60 people, 30 who studies Geography in the middle school and 30 who didn’t.This was to see if their views differed
Presentation Technique
-Bar charts and pie charts (percentages) to be able to easilycompare data an find patterns between people
-Carry mobile phones

-Results may be affected if there is not a large enough user groupsasked

Define Hazardous Work Environment

-Newspaperarticles on the issues
-Mapsof the area